Sandrine picks flowers in the neighbouring mountain pastures to decorate the tables, already set up on the restaurant’s panoramic terrace. Simple elegance in a natural setting.
The contrast of the peaks with the uniformly blue sky makes the views even more spectacular…
And as Florian likes to point out, this view will be different in a matter of hours, offering renewed inspiration.
Because in the mountains, everything is alive and ever-changing.

Early in the morning, Florian sets out for the meadows to gather the aromatic herbs that will enhance his dishes. He savours these precious moments of tranquillity.
Back at the Auberge de Montmin, he encounters the joyful atmosphere of the summer season which is reflected in his cooking: colourful and flavoursome, playing with a superb palette of produce, seasonings and cooking styles.
Florian's expert technique transforms all these products into an array of sumptuous savours, shapes and shades.

The Summer Menu is a celebration of vegetables, whose many secrets Florian is constantly exploring and uncovering.
The fish is served raw in a salad, or grilled and served on still smouldering embers.
We see, we feel, we listen!
The olive oil and lemon provide the season’s acidic notes and conveys its singsong feel. As for the perfectly ripe fruits, Florian contrives to turn them into something even more delectable because in this kitchen, sweet delicacies and the chef’s desserts are a firm favourite.
Sunshine and poetry…
Enjoy the Summer Menu
at the Auberge de Montmin.